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God created the world and every living and non-living thing for a purpose. God is love and He expects human beings to be living together in love and peace. But unfortunately pride has entered man and the result is lack of love, peace and unity in the world.

God in His wisdom has given man absolute freedom to live on the earth and subdue as well as have dominion over all other creatures. God’s intention is for the human beings to procreate and multiply and populate the earth. God therefore has put in place every necessity of life for man’s pleasure.

Man’s disobedience led God to send many prophets to the world to warn them. Some of these prophets were even killed by man because of the wickedness of man. Now there are several religions in the world, but the dominant ones are Islam and Christianity. The religions that are expected to bring peace to the world are rather becoming the instrument of oppression, discordance, disunity and unwarranted crises leading to killings of human beings who ironically are children of God.
In Nigeria for instance, there has been wide dichotomy between the Muslims and Christians as both followers always promote war of superiority. Frankly speaking, religious intolerance has permeated the fabrics of the religious life to the extent that it has been threatened the unity of the country for the last four decades.

Due to religious intolerance, there have been several religious crises where people were killed in the name of God. I wonder why God who is omnipotent needs ordinary helpless mortal human beings to kill for Him.  The indescribable seed of discord between Muslims and Christians has assumed an alarming proportion that there is no love-lost among the faithful of the two world major religions. Aghast! It is not the will of God that people should be living like cat and dog in the world God has mercifully given to man to dominate and replenish.

What becomes the order of the day now is Muslims and Christians accusing one another of blasphemy thereby suspiciously keep one another at arm’s length. Like soldiers in the battle field looking for the opportunity to kill an enemy soldier, the relationship between the faithful among all the religions, more particularly Islam and Christianity has grown sour and this has degenerated to the level where the relationship among the people generally is shrouded with enmity all over the world.

For instance, in Nigeria the issue of enshrining Shariah legal system into the Constitution in 1978, the attempt of Nigeria to belong to Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in 1986 and the adoption of Shariah legal system by some States in the Northern Nigeria at the beginning of the twenty –first century, and the intention to introduce Islamic banking of Nigeria by the then Central Bank Governor, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi in 2012 readily come to mind. These ideas were vehemently opposed by Christians, alleging that Muslims were planning to Islamize Nigeria or turn the country into an Islamic State.

Both Muslims and Christians in Nigeria are guilty of religious intolerance resulting in unnecessary slanderous statements which in most cases cause religious crisis that we sometimes witness in our dear country.

In other to arrest religious crises, some States, especially in the northern part of the country have made laws banning public processions and sermons by religious organizations. In some States in the north such as Kano, part of Kaduna, Sokoto, Zamfara and Borno where Islam is a dominant religion, their school syllabuses only permit the teaching of Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) in public schools, thereby denying Christian children the right to study their Christian religion.

In majority of the States in Southern Nigeria where Christianity is a dominant religion, almost all the activities in schools are dominated by Christian norms such that there is more attention to the Study of Christian Religious Studies (CRS) than it applies to Islamic Religious Studies.

It is unfortunate to mention that religious sentiment now dominates appointment into political offices both at the State and federal levels. It is no longer news to hear those who profess to speak or defend their religion accusing the President or Governor of unfairness in the appointments of officers into the federal cabinet or State cabinet. It is very unfortunate that these religious bigots do not consider merit and interest of the State or nation.

I use this medium to preach to the conscience of people to be religious tolerant. God is love and He wants mankind irrespective of their religious affiliation to have love for one another. People behind some religious crises that we witness in the world and Nigeria in particular should know that there is no reward for the wicked. Indeed, we need peace, love and unity.

Aminat Adesope is one of our Staff writers.
