Born Again: Jesus Ministry and Water Baptism (Chapter 3)

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Jesus’ earthly ministry was eventful.  Wherever Jesus went He was doing good to people.  With the power of His Father upon Him, He did so many marvelous works that no book if they were to be written would be big enough to contain them.  The blind received their sights; the lame walked; the lepers were healed of their leprosy; the demons possessed were rescued; He raised the dead; He fed the hungry. Nothing is ever too difficult for Him to do.

One thing is noticeable about the New Testament and that is baptism of water. There was no soul who gave his life to Christ Jesus that was not baptised.  Baptism of water is so important that John had to make it a pre-requisite for admission into the body of Christ.  That Jesus too submitted Himself for water baptism is a clear indication that no one who is converted to Christianity should be exempted from baptism of water.

Under the ministry of Jesus all the converts were baptised including believers among the thousands of people that Jesus miraculously fed with bread and small fishes on two occasions.  How do I know?  See evidence in John 4:1-2 as quoted as follows:

WHEN THEREFORE the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptised than John. (Though Jesus himself baptised not, but his disciples).

Right, you have agreed with this author that “Jesus  made and baptised” – which is to say every convert was  baptised without further subjection to any baptismal class or written or oral examination before such baptism was applied to them as is erroneously done in churches today.  That means once converted Jesus instructed the chosen twelve and even other disciples to baptise them immediately.  In other words no convert should go home without water baptism administered to them.

Jesus is to baptise with the Holy Spirit, while His disciples then and now should baptise converts with water.  Remember heavens open whenever baptism takes place.  When baptism of water takes place it makes God to declare thus: “Well done my child, you are now truly my chosen one; and I am well pleased with you”.

The only requirement to be fulfilled for baptism to be administered is to decide to follow Jesus Christ. For instance if a pagan or a Muslim comes to a Christian and tells him that he is convinced that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he wants to be converted to Christianity. Right there after preaching to him or her, all that you are required to do is to fix a day he or she should come for water baptism.  If there is enough time that day of surrendering his or her life to Christ and he or she is ready and you are a mature Christian you can even take him or her to any nearest available water and baptise him or her.  If you feel you are not yet qualified to baptise someone, you only need to inform your pastor about your success in converting someone to the body of Christ and the new convert should be invited for water baptism. Baptism in a way is an initiation into the body of Christ. 

The importance of the water baptism can never be over-emphasized.  That is why Jesus when He was about to go back to His Father in Heaven commands us in the following words:
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.  He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16:15-16.
Remember Jesus says “he that believes”.  That means he that believes that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour when you preach to him.  That is to say you are placing an obstacle on the life of a convert if you fail to baptise him as soon as he believes that Jesus is the Son of God.  A convert who is baptised is likely to show remorse for a sin committed by him than the one not baptised.  This is because the spirit that dwells in him will make him realise he has sinned against God even though that wrong was done to a fellow human being.  Because of the importance of the water baptism, Jesus makes it as a major assignment for His followers as it is also recorded in Matthew as follows:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Matthew 28:19-20.

Salvation is for those who believe and are baptised. Those that believe not shall not be baptised, and such unbelievers shall receive everlasting punishment in Hell.

To be continued
