Our Mission

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We are on a mission to restore peace to the world. Our objective is to spread the gospel of unity. We don’t attack but give constructive criticisms that will help the leaders and heads of governments all over the world who are piloting the affairs of their respective countries and the world at large.

We do what we believe will promote peace and unity at this perilous time. We consider it as our duty to draw people to God, and make them believe that there is no peace without God. We make people believe in themselves. Human beings are made equal and we should not allow discrimination, racism and sectionalism to permeate the fabrics of our activities in the world as these will lead to endless crises and wars.

We welcome your contributions in terms of articles to this Mighty Voice medium. We shall also appreciate your comments, like, and share of our posts in this Blog: hefam.blogspot.com.ng. We call on every person to be a peace maker. We should avoid greed, covetousness, and lasciviousness and strive to control the evil desires of our hearts.

We sincerely solicit co-operation from you as it is our prayer to accomplish our set goals and succeed in our mission. YOU are welcome!
