Put on the whole Armour of God

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Christianity is warfare. Let no preacher deceive you that once you have given your life to Jesus Christ the battle is over. In fact, accepting Jesus Christ is the beginning of battle. Satan will resist your decision to follow Jesus.
True Christians face battles every day. A Christian who has no battle to fight is probably not working for Jesus. He is a sleeping Christian or the type described in Revelation 3:16 as lukewarm who is 'neither cold nor hot'.
As a Christian, your duty is to go out to tell people about Jesus and salvation. Evangelism comes with a price. Your life will be in danger. You will be embarrassed and face hostility. You are expected to fast often and pray regularly.
You are advised not to listen to executive preachers who preach that Christ was poor that you will (might) be rich. Satan hates Christ and it is expected that he must hate the children of Christ. Satan is that enemy and we should put on the whole armour of God to enable us to fight this war.
…we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Ephesians 6:12)
The weapons given to us by God to fight this battle are: Truth, Righteousness, Gospel of Peace, Faith, Helmet of salvation, Word of God, Prayer and Supplication in spirit, watching with perseverance”. Ephesians 6:14-18
We are Ambassadors of Christ, but like Apostle Paul, we are ambassadors in bonds. No freedom for us here on the earth until Christ comes.
