Foursquare Gospel Church, Ali Dada Sunday School Rally

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1.      Does God permit Anger? Matthew 5:22;  Ephesians 4:26
2.      Is it possible to be angry without a cause?
3.      What happens if we forgive not? Matthew 6:15
4.      (a) Can God be angry? Exodus 4:14a
(b) When God got angry with Moses, how did God handle it? Ex. 4:14-17
5.      How did Jesus handle His anger when people defiled the Temple of God? Mark 11:15-17
6.      Is it good for Christians to get angry hastily? Ecc. 7:9; Titus 1:7c

7.      “The sinner can only be saved by God’s grace”. Explain
8.      Can we buy salvation with money? Ephesians 2:8
9.      Who are we to confess our sins to? 1John 1:9
10.  When a person gets converted, how long is it supposed to take before he or she is baptised? Mark 16:16
(a) After the person goes through baptismal class, writing test and pass to the satisfaction of the Church. Support your answer with Bible references
(b) Immediately. It must be done instantaneously. Support your answers with Bible references. Mark 16:16; Acts 2:41; 8:9-13; 8:35-38; 9:17-18; 10:44-48; 16:30-33; 18:8 and Matthew 3:5-9

11.  “Justification is the gracious act of God in declaring righteous a sinner who believes in Jesus Christ”. In your own words explain Justification.
12.  How much must we pay to be made justified? Romans 3:24
13.  Name 3 main types of Justification.
(i) Romans 3:24; John 15:25
(ii) Romans 3:28
(iii) Romans 5:9
14.  We are justified unto what? Romans 5:18

It was a well coordinated Sunday School Rally. Members of the Church were given a copy of this questionnaire each, and the Rally was participatory. Microphone was passed round and every member present had opportunity of contributing.

It was a departure from a tradition of giving topics or lessons to individuals to memorize and do presentations. Why should adults be burdened with cramming? People understand better when they are made to participate by way of voluntarily answering questions and making contributions on their own. It is all about knowing God and Lord Jesus, and how to continue in this holy race until the appointed time.

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