Virtuous Woman (1)

In this 3rd Video, Pastor (Mrs.) Keku in her Sermon on Mother’s Day 2017 admonishes every woman to do things with fear of God. Mothers should be positively influencing in the families. No arrogance. Show love to children. Discipline your children with love. Be a teacher and a good leader to your children like Deborah the Prophetess. 
Love your own husband and respect him always. Every mother should be grateful. Wives should be supportive hiding nothing from their husbands. Wives should be submissive to their own husbands as commanded in the Scripture. Don’t leave responsibilities to your house-help.
Pastor (Mrs.) Keku emphasizes that women should maintain close relationship with their men. Women should be close to their men to avoid the devil capitalize on lack of closeness to cause crises. She says, devil succeeded in deceiving Eve because of lack of closeness between Eve and Adam. Women should not give room to the devil to come in to cause troubles.
Women should be in God’s plans. They should build their homes first and then they will enjoy the presence of God. Please Watch and share.
