Teenager caught with human head

The girl in this video is Chidinma Akachu. She allowed herself to be used by the agents of the devil. She was caught with a human head concealed in her bag. She initially told the Police that she was going somewhere to bury the head. But upon serious interrogation, she confessed that she was on an errand for some ritualists.  According to Chindinma, the people she was working had killed two people and the head of the second victim was with them.

When this video was sent to me days ago, I was reluctant to publish it. I felt it is not for public consumption or it might be an old crime, but there is a spirit prevailing on me to publish it irrespective of when I thought the incident happened. I, therefore, decided to follow the prevailing spirit in the belief that it is important for the general public to learn from every crime so as to avoid seeing any person as too young to commit a crime.
