Christians and Not Mr. President are to Blame By Ijuo Okpe

We must all work for the unity of the country if we want to enjoy peace we are clamouring for. Only unpatriotic citizens would not wish their countries well. There are born criminals and no matter the effort of any person in power as President the crimes and criminality cannot be totally eradicated.
As a Christian I blame Christians for the many woes the country is facing.  We have deviated from our duty of spreading the Gospel of salvation to the world.  Pastors are more concerned about personal fame and riches.

Muslims have never cried out one day that any President of Nigeria was or is trying to Christianize Nigerian. How can a genuine Christian accuse Mr. President of having an agenda to Islamize Nigeria?

Since Nigeria returned to democratic system of government, it had had two Presidents of Christian faith. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo and Dr. Goodluck Jonathan were Christians who held power for 14 years out of about 19 years of democratic dispensation. During the administrations of both Obasanjo and Jonathan, there were serious lopsided appointments in favour of Christians, and there was no accusation or allegation against their government of trying to Christianize Nigeria.

There used to be Christian services regularly at Aso Rock Villa Chapel mostly aired live on radios and televisions without any voice from Muslims alleging that Mr. President was promoting one religion over another, much less attempting to Christianize the country.

Some of us are not stupid to agree with the myopic Christians that President Muhammadu Buhari is aiming at turning Nigeria into Islamic nation – such view is diversionary and a mockery of our superior King of kings. Our God is the owner of the whole world and nobody or religion can take the world from Him.

The relevant question is, what efforts are those Christians crying wolf making to revise the order or to Christianize the country? Remember the commission of Jesus to all believers is to go to the whole world and make disciples of every creature. We are not expected to build Cathedrals and equip them with all kinds of instruments and then be contented worshipping therein comfortably.

Pastors and believers are not expected to be critics of government. I have never found that in the Bible. What I have found written in the Bible is that God used to send Prophets to warn kings and kingdoms and not to criticize. Oh, remember I said, it’s God who used to send Prophets and it wasn’t the Prophets who used to go on their own to warn nations or kingdoms or kings about their sins or faults. These Prophets used not to speak from temple or synagogue. They used to go to any nation as directed by God. For example, Jonah was commanded by God to go to Nineveh to prophesy to that nation. Hosea was asked by God to marry a harlot and have children by her because “the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the Lord” (Hosea 1:2c).

Pastors who are in the habit of criticizing the government from their church auditoriums using microphone before their congregations should repent now. I am led by the Holy Spirit to warn and you can doubt at your own perils. They should learn from the Prophets of old in the Bible they want to emulate – those Prophets were sent by God to deliver messages; and such messages were about the sins of the people of those nations. Biblically, it was rare that rulers and kings were held exclusively for any calamity bedeviling the nations.

Pastors are to feed the lamb and sheep and not to use their pulpits for criticisms of government. Pastors are to encourage soul-winning including how to win Mr. President to Christ. We should not see every Muslim including Mr. President as an enemy to be attacked. It is ungodly to hold one man responsible for the sins of the nation.

We are all guilty. Adultery, fornications, false witnessing, murders, hatred, stealing, lies, name them going on on daily basis are enough to cause the wrath of God and Christians cannot blame the problems of the country solely on Mr. President. God is angry with the world and one of the signs of the end-times is insecurity resulting in killings we are witnessing.
