Believer's Authority By Ijuo Okpe

Jesus has given His believers Power and Authority “over all devils, and to cure diseases”, Luke 9:1.  Christians are not expected to fear anything under the sun. Unfortunately the most fearful people in the world are Christians. Christians fear everything and they are not ready to die for Jesus’ name sake.

The duty to go out to preach the gospel and win souls is a mandate with no condition or restriction. We should deny ourselves, and think not that we live for ourselves. To deny ourselves is to take our minds away from the materials and pleasures of this world.

And Jesus said to them all” Luke 9:23; to all then and to all now without exemption should do the work of evangelists. Anyway, what did Jesus say to them all? Jesus said to them all: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. Luke 9:23.

We should take up our cross daily which means to say, we should be ready to suffer working for the Kingdom of God. Have you ever sat down to imagine how heavy the Cross Jesus carried was? The cross on which a whole human being was nailed and didn’t break must be very heavy indeed.

Jesus has warned us not pray against enemies. But the pattern of prayers in most churches and assemblies of many professed Christians are: “All my enemies should die. My enemies, be scattered and die by fire. Holy Ghost Fire, kill my enemies. Fire from above burn my enemies. Satan, I bind you, I loose you”. Funny, isn’t it?

Jesus wants us to cast out the devils, but instead, we curse witches and wizards and imaginable powers from our mother-side, our father-side and in-law side.

If only we know how beautiful heaven is, we shouldn’t be afraid of death to the extent that we don’t do anything for God for fear of losing our so-called precious lives. What Jesus says about our love for our lives more than love for God is: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it”. Luke 9:24

What is important is salvation of our souls in the eternal heaven where there is no more death. In this regard, Jesus says: “For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself or be cast away? Luke 9:25.

Let’s exercise the Authority given to us and be working diligently for our salvation.
