Wisdom is the Principal Thing

You may be right in your own way. However, what is wrong is wrong. Let’s follow the heart only when the thoughts of our hearts are of good and not evil. Maturity is not synonymous with age. There are so many old people who think and talk like children. They are old but childish in behaviour, and they reason, think and talk like children.

Ironically, there are so many young people who reason, think and talk maturely. Education does not mean automatic wisdom. There are so many highly educated people who are not wise, and there are so many uneducated people who are as wise as King Solomon.

Bible has made it clear that there are two types of wisdom – one is earthly wisdom and the other is wisdom from above. Earthly wisdom is described in the scripture, precisely in the Book of James 3: 14-15 as sensual and devilish. Earthly wisdom causes envy, strife and confusion. Earthly wisdom is that which says, ‘I must never forgive’, and it’s ready to avenge any wrong done to the person.

On the other hand, wisdom from above is pure and peaceable. Wisdom of God is described in James 3:17 as: “…gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy”.  

Let us all work for the peace of the world; and then there shall be peace that we are praying for.
