Lesson from Liya Sharibu who refuses to denounce Jesus By Ijuo Okpe

They were abducted on February 19 and taken away to an unknown destination. While the world was crying, the abductors who ignorantly believe they are working for Allah for rewards here and hereafter kept the over one hundred girls and many others. They are sadists. There is nothing like human feelings in them. When the parents of the abducted girls were crying, the members of Boko Haram terror organisation were jubilating. We never knew five of the 110 girls had already died and buried, so the parents in particular were keeping hope alive with fervent prayers.

Then the Federal Government of Nigeria in collaboration with foreign experts began negotiation with the sect. Eventually, it worked out and the terrorists agreed to release the girls. But then they didn't want any non-Muslims to return as non-Muslims. Alas, they set apart non-Muslims and gave them a condition that if they could denounce their faith in Christ, they would be released. They threatened them with killing if they refused to embrace Islam. Some Christian girls choose freedom and repentance later, so they denied Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Yes, after all, when they return home, they will ask for forgiveness, and God will understand.

But there was a girl among them who preferred to die to denying Jesus and embracing Islam. She is Liya Sharibu, a very young teenager. She remembered the word of Jesus Christ that, anyone who denies Him before men, he or she shall be denied before God. Jesus says, His followers should not worry about the people who can kill the body, but have no power over the soul. They put other girls in the vehicle leaving Liya to make her last decision or be left behind among these blood suckers. Liya didn't care, she was ready to be slaughtered and so she was left behind.

The father of Liya, Mr. Nata Sharibu is full of happiness and joy that his daughter decided to stand with Jesus. The Mother too has not hidden her joy. When the story of Liya was related by other girls to the community and Federal Government, the parents felt great rather than sad about it. This is what is meant to be believers of Jesus Christ - damning the consequences and ready to go with Jesus rather than loving the flesh. My dear Liya Sharibu, you have taught me a great lesson, alas, a lesson that those of us who have spent decades in  this evil world would never dare to do. Many of us professing to be Christians would rather prefer to reject Jesus in such circumstance in order to regain our freedom first and repent later. Oh my Darling daughter, we are praying for you. You have made me feel as if I know not Christ at all. We are being religious in our own part of the world, praying for prosperity and against perceived witches and wizards. Darling daughter, Jesus is with you. We are expectant  and Almighty God will release you.
