Christians are expected to suffer in this World By Ijuo Okpe

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The authenticity of the records in the Holy Bible about how the world will end is real. There is heaven and there is hell, but Jesus says, it is not the will of God that human beings should perish in the hell. Jesus admonishes that we should serve God and live.

Man loves pleasure, and he does anything to satisfy himself here in the world. To teachers of the gospel, it is not the will of God that Christians should suffer. Each time I consider this message, the relevant question I do ask is: do these preachers read the Bible? Do they have knowledge about the scripture? Do they know why Jesus had to be sent to the world by the Father, the God Almighty?
Jesus says, the road to heaven is a narrow one and only few people will be willing to go through there. In His sermon in Matthew 5: 10 Jesus says, “Blessed are they which are persecuted for the righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven”. So the believers of Jesus Christ should expect persecutions and even killings by non-believers. It is not expected to be easy for the believers.

Hear Jesus: “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake”.  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matthew 5:11-12)

What messages are we hearing from the altar of God in majority of Churches today? It is “you are lacking because you don’t give your tithe”. Children of God are not supposed to lack. Pastors see persecution as devil at work and it happens because the victim is a sinner.

To them, only the sinners are supposed to suffer persecution. Poverty is not for the children of God. They do misinterpret the scripture that Jesus was poor that we shall (might) be rich.

Prophets before us were persecuted. All the Apostles and disciples before us were persecuted. Where is the message that children of God are to live the life devoid of persecution? Jesus says, we should take up our cross daily and follow Him. Do you know how heavy the cross is? I mean the cross that Jesus was crucified upon and it did not break on its own when the whole human body was nailed to it and left erected.

The road to heaven is never smooth and it is never expected to be smooth and easy. It is a rough road and only those who can bear persecution, pain, rejection and denial will make heaven.
