Confusion! Is Christian Association of Nigeria a Pressure Group or a Religious Organisation?

The message below was sent to me through WhatsApp and I was shocked that the bodies claiming to represent Holy God and His Son Jesus Christ should come out with a devilish idea of praying against perceived wicked individuals and people in government. Christians are directed to use their tongues for blessings and not to curse people. God says, bless and curse not. Jesus says in Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you".

Yes, we are to bless those that even curse us to our hearing. We must pray for those who cause us pain, and (who despitefully use us) that is, those who use us like slaves. The Pharaoh and Egyptians ravaging the nation are the sin Christians. Christians are not doing the will of God. Sodomy, adultery, fornication etc that are supposed to be committed by non-believers are commonly committed by believers, even the so-called men of God too. Many Pastors preach heresies on the altar of God! God is angry because Christians are not doing the right thing, and not because non-Christians are doing wrong things.

Hahahaha! While praying, Christians are directed to put a pinch of salt in their mouths because they are the salt of the world. What a satanic way of interpreting the word of God! God help this condemned generation being led by theological pastors.

Here is the unedited Instruction from CAN and REDEMPTION GROUP to Christians in Nigeria:

*BREAKING NEWS - 21 Days Prayer Against Evil In Nigeria*
*Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)* and *REDEMPTION GROUP* have mandated all Nigerian Christians, as from April 8, 2018, to wake up at exactly 12.00 midnight to pray fervently for only eight minutes, placing a curse on every wicked person or government in Nigeria responsible for the mass poverty and insecurity in Nigeria.

Specifically, Christians are asked to *demand for the death* for everyone who is behind Herdsmen's Pogrom across Nigeria, Boko Haram terrorism and mass poverty and impoverishment of Nigerians.
Christians are asked to pray these prayer points for 21 days (April 8 to April 29, 2018.). And when praying Christians are asked to put a pinch of salt in their tongue for you are the salt of the earth.
If faithfully observed for 21 days, according to the Prophecy *"The Pharaoh and Egyptians that you see ravaging Nigeria today you will see no more. Amen."*

*Please SHARE this Message* until it gets to every Nigerian Christian wherever they are on the earth.

Jointly signed by: *CAN & REDEMPTION GROUP*

I, Ijuo Okpe shall pray for those who will comply and pray the above prayer.
