Fatherless home is home without a Christian Father - Sermon by Rev. F.M.O. Iyere

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Foursquare Gospel Church, Ali Dada celebrated their 2nd Annual Anniversary Thanksgiving on Sunday, May 20.

In this Sermon, the central message is ‘Grace’. The servant of God defined Grace as unmerited favour. ‘Read your Bible and cherish it. Only the Word of God is alive. Every book expires, but Bible can never expire. We are alive because of the Grace of God’.

‘Live holy, and spend time to pray. Study the Bible and always meditate on the Word of God. You have gone through the Bible several times; let the Bible go through you. Be living by the Word of God. Your story will change when the Word of God passes through you…and you will enjoy the grace of God and heaven will be guaranteed for you. Please, don’t allow yourself to be deceived by some pastors who tell you to claim that you are a millionaire in order to be blessed with money; they will only make you happy temporarily.

‘A Fatherless home is not only home without a physical father, but a home where there is no Bible is a fatherless home. Any home where the husband is not born again is a fatherless home. Women should tell their unbelieving men to give their lives to Christ and be active in Church. May God restore the homes where men are not born again by touching their hearts so that they will see the Light of God who is Jesus Christ.

Mothers should work on their husbands to ensure they live for Christ. This message is also for the homes where women are the problem. ‘Men should work on their wives. Let it be known to you that Christianity is not in name. Christianity is not about how much money you give to Church, but you must genuinely be born again and then you will be saved’.
