How Children's Praise and Worship entrap Satan

The Child leading Praise and Worship is Tofunmi Bhadmus 

Jesus said we should not hinder little children from coming to Him. The kingdom of God belongs to them. He then laid His hands on the children and prayed for them. Matthew 19:14-15.

Children’s Day celebration at the Foursquare Gospel Church, Ire-Akari Zonal headquarters, Isolo, Lagos was glorious. Since the kingdom of God belongs automatically to little children, Satan regrets that he has no little children and this means no child will be found in the hell. What a disaster for Satan. Praises and dancing by children completely chained Satan and his angels throughout the service.

The atmosphere was a replica of the Pentecost day as Tofunmi Bhadmus led praise and worship for 19 minutes 54 seconds. As the praise and worship lasted, even adults could not control themselves as tears of joy flowed freely from their eye sockets when Holy Spirit took over the worship. Adults wished they were children again.

Watch the Video, share and be blessed.   
