I Will Remove Certain Deeper Life Doctrines I set Up - Pastor Kumuyi

General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church (DLBC), Pastor W.F. Kumuyi has removed some certain doctrines he introduced to the Church, but which are not found in the Bible. Marriage Committee was set up to counsel both the married and young ones planning to marry, but if the Committee constitutes a hindrance, the option is to discard it. Pastor Kumuyi has also banned Women Ministry which is not necessary as this requires women to go through the Committee before any woman would receive any benefit from the Church.

I admire the humility and meekness of Pastor Kumuyi. I hope other General Over Seers will learn from Kumuyi and toll the same line. There are many doctrines introduced into denominational Churches by their founders which conflict with the doctrines of God as contained in the Bible.

Jesus warns that no one should add to or subtract from His doctrines. Believers are expected to keep strictly to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. There is nothing like "the doctrine of our church" as many people blindly uphold in various denominations today.

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