A call for mass action against corruption and other crimes by Aminat Adesope

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Human beings are all lovers of pleasure. Every person wants to live in affluence, without considering the old saying that: ‘Suffering comes before pleasure’. The desire to get rich quick is the result of crimes that now permeates the activities of people.  While the rich want to maintain their status, the poor don’t care how the rich have acquired their wealth, so they too want to be seen to belong and so there is eagerness to make money at all cost by every Tom, Dick and Harry. The result is unhealthy greed, insatiable love for money and continual pursuit of materialism.

Remember ‘the love of money is the root of all evils’. Men and women, young and old want to amass wealth whether by hook or crook. Oh, I weep for the world. If we only know that we shall leave all these materials behind in this world, we should not cheat, steal, kill or commit any crime in the effort to get rich.

Will there be any end to corruption? I doubt as long as people celebrate the rich without minding the sources of their wealth, corruption can never be nipped in the bud. Many people are greedy with appetite for material things of this world. Everybody wants to own and ride exotic cars at all cost. Everybody wants to own as many houses as possible. Nowadays, in Nigeria in particular, one is not surprised to hear people boasting of having many chieftaincy titles conferred on them by their traditional rulers.

This reminds me! Traditional rulers are equally guilty because they invite the rich and confer them with chieftaincy titles without investigating how they have suddenly become rich. Our sacred traditions have been slaughtered because of money and the unfortunate aftermath is moral decadence reigning in our society.

The political class does not help matter as they worsen the case by taking corrupt practice to its highest level. It is unfortunate that people don’t aspire to be leaders to serve citizens, but to steal our common national cake.  May God deliver our power-hungry politicians who care not about masses and even the future of the country.

Indeed our country is sinking and the time to rise up to speak is now. Where is our cultural value?Where is patriotism, I mean the love for the country? Why are we not value our good culture which we were known for – I mean honesty and good conduct. Our forefathers were not known to tolerate crimes.

In other to make it look honest, instead of regarding corruption as crimes, people choose to use the fair words such as ‘settlement’, ‘see me’ and ‘egunje’, to make it appear good. Bribery and corruption have eaten deep into the marrow of our society.

We in the Mighty Voice are calling the well-meaning people all over the world, particularly Nigerians to rise up in unison to condemn all the economic and social crimes before our dear country is sunk by these people who have no human feelings. ‘The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom’, so we admonish that people should be honest, patriotic, hardworking and imbibe the spirit of love for the country in all their undertakings.

Aminat Adesope is one of Staff writers.
