Drug abuse and its effects on the Society By Aminat Adesope

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Drug is the combination of medicinal chemicals or substances formulated and prepared by chemists and pharmacists for the treatment or cure of different illnesses under the recommendation and supervision of medical doctors. There are different types of drugs for treatments of different sicknesses and diseases. There are drugs that people are allowed to buy over the canter in chemist shop and pharmaceutical stores without the need for doctor’s prescription such as panadol, aspirin, pengo, daga, phensic and others like cough syrup, vitamin c and so on. But antibiotic capsules, tranquilizers, Indian hemp, cocaine, heroin and many more are not to be taken without doctor’s prescription.

The dangers of self medication cannot be over-emphasized. The effect of self-medication is devastating and unimaginable. Nowadays many people: young and old people alike have formed the habit of taking hard drugs just because they want to be ‘high’. Daily we have been inundated with cases of how improper taking of drugs is responsible for premature death.

Experience has shown that continual use of hard drugs or abuse of drugs leads to the production of maladjusted citizens. We should be wise to listen to the medical experts who always warn of the danger of drug abuse.  Apart from killer diseases that result, it is proved that abuse of drugs leads to renal failure that has no cure. Some of the tragic accidents we witness on our highways don't occur on their own, but are caused by dare devil-may-care drivers who take to hard drugs. Some drivers take cannabis which affect their senses and when an accident occurs, it is the family members that suffer greatly.

The prevalence of and improper consumption of hard drugs is traceable to the increasing rate of armed banditry. One is not surprised to see fragile or frail-looking, cowardly young men and women look tensed and misconduct themselves after taking hard drugs and narcotics. The anti-social menace is really affecting the society and the time to address the issue and apply drastic measure to curb the danger it brings to the society is now.

Medical experts in their sensitization have informed the public that drug abuse could induce Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in people. This means that drug abuse can destroy the immune system that protects certain infections.

Although drug abuse is a global phenomena, I use this medium as a patriotic Nigerian to plead with the Nigerian Government to be proactive in dealing with this problem as many Nigerian citizens who are under the influence of hard drugs do embarrass our country not only in Nigeria but while in other countries. We should not under rate the fact that many countries hate our citizens on the basis of drug abuse and drug-trafficking, and no doubt destroys our international image and reputation.

I canvass that the agencies conferred with the responsibilities, that is National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) should be properly financed to enable them do their work. The youths should be enlightened about the dangers of taking hard drugs and abuse of drugs. Governments at all levels should be involved in this war to get rid of the drug abuse and we in the MIGHTY VOICE use our medium to advise that all necessary modern devices should be bought and deployed for use in detecting people who are indulging in this heinous act. We also appeal to the religious organizations to help the government in preaching against drug abuse.

Readers’ contributions are welcome.

Aminat is one of our Staff Writers.
