Dynamism and Mystery of life by Aminat Adesope

Who can explain the mystery of this life? When people grow used to a certain kind of life, they become accustomed to it,  and are therefore usually unwilling to make changes. The world is a global village and so human beings have found it difficult to confine themselves to their natural places of birth for many reasons. There is movement within a country when citizens within a country move from one town or city to another city for white collar jobs or for business purpose. People migrate to other countries for greener pasture, while nationals of other countries migrate to countries other than their countries of origins.

There is no doubt that the world is having problems with migration at the moment. There are a lot of problems associated with the change of environment. The burden of having to adapt to new environment, culture, norms and tradition of a people definitely pose a problem. The need to learn and understand the language of the people is a challenge. If it is entirely a different country whose lingual franca is different from the official language of the country of the migrant, for example, someone from English speaking country going to a French speaking country will encounter  a language barrier. The case of currencies used which requires exchange will slow trading.

Again, at some point in life, some people may have reasons to change their careers. The reasons for this are always varied. Changing a career inevitably necessitates the acquisition of different skills and adjustment to gain experience to meet the demand required in a new employment. The person needs to make new friends and there are colleagues at new place of work to relate with.

In the face of economic recession and related circumstances, people keep losing jobs as Companies and Organizations they work for try to adjust to the adverse situation of the country by retrenching many workers. Some terms such as “down-sizing”, “right-sizing” and “restructuring” are the modern day language or terminology used for this phenomenon. A worker who suddenly loses his or her job obviously has no choice than to adjust to the new reality of life while searching for a new job.
Closely related to job loss  is retirement. Many people carry on at their jobs as if they will remain at such jobs forever. But retirement is inevitable as one will not remain young forever and so paid workers must surely get to the stage of life when they will retire or be retired. The Self-employed too cannot avoid old age phenomenon.  “Retirement in most cases means a change from an active working life to a more sedentary lifestyle”. It often requires giving up official properties such as accommodation and vehicles and the replacement of a regular with a modest pension, which may not be regular. Because of this, the prospect of retirement is often viewed with apprehension by many as they are not prepared for it.

Apart from work, another change that human beings cannot avoid is marriage. For example, at some points in life, a person will decide to settle down by getting married. The transition from bachelorhood and spinsterhood of course means adaptation to a family life as bearing of children and catering for the family come with a burden. At this time it requires discarding many of the habits one was used to when one was single.

In all these changes, it is necessary to mention that death is inevitable. The untimely loss of a loved one - a wife, a husband or even of the parents often turns people’s lives upside down.  Death also affects lifestyle of people. No person prays for a sudden death, but unfortunately it does occur, what with pains and devastation.

I, therefore, use this medium to advise people to be ready for mystery of life as changes whether for good or bad are bound to happen.

Aminat Adesope is one of our Staff writers.
