Exam failure, Students are to blame By Aminat Adesope

We often hear students blaming their failures in examinations on their teachers, people who set exam questions, people assigned to mark exam sheets, and the Education Boards saddled with the duty of conducting external examinations. Majority of students who fail in fact see the officials from these public Education boards as wicked people who don’t want their progress in life. To them the examination questions were set with the intention of causing mass failure. How correct are these assertions? Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is important to educate our teaming students that no examinations are ever conducted outside the syllabus provided for them which their teachers usually follow in teaching them. Textbooks are always recommended based on the syllabus and students have all opportunities to read them. Yes it is the duty of students to study hard. Reading the whole syllabus is a task for students and there shouldn’t be any acceptable excuse if failure results from nonchalant attitude to study on the part of the students.

Indeed it is not even the staff of the Education Boards that set examinations, but it is seasoned teachers in various subjects who are usually drafted to set questions. It is interesting to mention that questions set do go for scrutiny by other experts who are also seasoned educationists. This second set of experts who are invited to examine the questions critically, make necessary modifications and come up with questions that conform to acceptable standards. The result of this exercise is a set of polished and standard questions.

The purpose of this article is to advise students to prepare for examinations, whether internal or external one. Those who study their books always pass their examinations with ease and in flying colours. But students who fail or do not do well usually have someone to blame. It is either the person who marked their paper got drunk, or he gave it to one relative staying with him to help him marking it.

The final stage is the collation of results. Students who fail believe that there were mistakes during the collation, and probably it was someone else result that was wrongly computed for them. This excuse is baseless and unfounded as experts are in charge of computation of results with more than one person assigned to do the work on a particular subject.

A candidate’s result may not be processed if he is involved in a malpractice. Students who used a wrong examination number or neglected to write their numbers should not blame anyone if they have their results withheld. The relevant question is, when a result is withheld, who is to be blamed – examiners or the affected students?

We should rather commend the various Education Boards which conduct public examinations and not to condemn them. Our students should not be in a hurry to make money to the detriment of their future. There should be a total concentration on your studies known that you are investing for your future.

Aminat Adesope is one of our Staff writers.
