Human nature by Vitus Ogoh

Human nature reveals human behviour. It is the nature of human beings to react and even ready to retaliate when they are offended. Anyway, God does not forbid anger, rather He only warns us not to get angry without a cause, and also to reconcile immediately with whoever has offended any other person.

By reacting in a hot-tempered manner, human beings are only showing that they don’t have control over some of the things that happen to them. The relevant question is, why do people act or react they way they do? This is just to show our human nature which is weak.

It is not surprised that Jesus demonstrated His human nature as recorded in the Bible. For instance, He rebuked sharply the people who were defiling the temple of God and also physically threw out everything in the Temple. When Jesus was in agony while praying in Gethsemane, He prayed to God to let the cup pass from Him to prove His human nature.

O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”. Matthew 26:39.

The late music legend, Michael Jackson produced an Album with a particular track titled “Human nature”.  Human nature can never be conquered. It doesn’t matter the level of our spirituality or position - no human being has total control over his or her nature. But we must go to God always in prayer so that we don’t allow our human nature to lead us to commit crime.

Vitus Ogoh is our Staff Writer
