Jesus does not send people abroad, He sends them above

He rolled away the stone: John 11:38-44

Under the new covenant God is not angry with man. Once we believe that Jesus is the Son of God we are saved. In the Old Testament, God was dealing directly with peoples. Jesus has paid the price leaving us with a choice whether or not to accept Him and be reconciled with God which is the reason He was sent to pay the supreme sacrifice.

Jesus paid the price on our behalf; therefore God wants us to believe in Jesus in order to be free from His anger. The problem of the church is not the devil, but ignorance of people, read Isaiah 54:9-10. If you don’t understand that Jesus has paid for everything, Satan will capitalize on your ignorance and take advantage of you. Once you are in Christ, Bible says you are a new creation. If you are born again the Holy Spirit will dwell in you and be guiding you. Once you have a new nature and do away with your old man, you will not do those things devil would want you to do.

God is not delighted in spending several days fasting and in vigils before He grants requests. Many churches nowadays declare many days, even up 70 or 100 days fasting and ten or more nights for vigil thinking that it is by so doing God will answer their prayers. If you want to be blessed, love Jesus, believe in Him, for He alone can take you or your requests to the Father. Read Col. 2:6 which instructs that we should continue to believe and live in Jesus.

Let no Pastor command you to perform a special task in order to be blessed of God. All you are required to be doing is believe in Jesus. We are saved by grace of God. All the obstacles devil is giving is because of lack of the knowledge of the Word of God. Read your Bible – study and meditate on the word of God if you are expecting a miracle.

Who are you with? You must understand that you are with Jesus Christ. God has no favourite. God blesses those who go to Him. Hook onto Jesus the great Physician and the Author and Finisher of our faith. Jesus can set you free and heal you of any sickness you bring to Him in prayer. Jesus does not send people abroad, but He sends people above. Romans 4:20, if your faith must work, you must be grounded in the word of God. Learn to give for there is blessing in giving.

Summary of Sermon delivered by the Guest Minister, Rev. Tunde Fasoranti at the Foursquare Gospel Church, Ire-Akari Annual Rally, held on Sunday 1st July, 2018 under the Theme: HE ROLLED AWAY THE STONE, John 11:39
