Solution to Food Crisis in the World by Aminat Adesope

We are witnessing the food and oil crises because of our shallow-mindedness. We claim to be independent, but we still tie to the apron string of the colonial masters.  I wonder why despite the natural resources blessed by the developing nations, we still depend much on the food surplus of the developed nations.

Energy is required in every facet of our economy. Of course, without modern tools, it is impossible to produce food to sustain the ever growing population of Africa.
The fact that we depend so much on the technologies of the industrialized and advanced countries does not mean those developed countries do not need developing countries. Since both developed and developing countries are inter-depended, what is needed is cooperation among nations instead of unhealthy competitions.

Let us not deceive ourselves; failure to maintain political and economic cooperation among nations could spell disaster for the world. The United Nations must not allow this to happen. A global strategy for food and energy is urgently required. It is my belief that the following principles should guide a global approach.

First, all nations should substantially increase food production in order to meet the demands required to avoid food shortage and famine in the world.
Second, all nations must consider low income earners and the less privileged and make prices of food and other commodities affordable.

Finally, all the nations of the world must ensure that the poor are not overwhelmed by rising prices of essential goods necessary for their survival. The traditional aid donors and the rich must join hands in this regard.
