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All Muslims should not fail to understand that any supplication made from Solatul Asr the prayer observed in the evening till Solatul Maghrib that is the sunset prayer will surely get better attention and rewards from Allah.

Furthermore, our prayers are accepted instantly when it is raining, so Muslims are urged to seize the opportunity when it is raining to supplicate very well.
Another special time our prayers are accepted is when a woman is in child labour. It is advised that a woman should be very conscious of the kind of words she utters when in child labour because anything she says must surely come to pass. Even if she curses anyone at that time, it will surely come to pass.

Parents’ prayer for their child or children is also very important in every child’s life. The Prophet (SAW) taught us that “A child’s paradise lies at his mother’s feet”. Children must be very careful in dealing with their parents.  If parents are happy with their children, Allah is also happy with the children, but if parents are angry with their children, Almighty Allah will also be angry with such children. Children are advised to always work towards receiving their parents’ blessings.

A nursing mother is also advised to always look straight into her child’s eyes while breastfeeding, because Allah says that any supplication made by the mother to the child during breastfeeding will surely be accepted.

