The Agony of the Parents of the 110 Abducted School Girls By Ijuo Okpe

Mother of a 14 Year-old Girl who was one of the victims of abduction in agony

I was watching the African Independent Television (AIT) news on Saturday, March 3 and couldn’t control my emotion when I saw some parents of the girls abducted by evil Boko Haram from their school – Government Girls Science and Technical Secondary School, Dapchi in Yobe State. The tears flowing from the eyes of some of the mothers who were interviewed by the AIT could make even a stony heart to weep.

Where are the girls and under what condition are they being held? The thought of the girls grieves people like me each moment. What are the abductors doing with these teenagers – even with the young ones among them who are just 11 to 14 years? Marrying them or marrying them off? What type of religion is this?

I am angry. I am surprised that Christians like me are going about their daily activities without the slightest feeling that a traumatized incident has taken place elsewhere in their country. If the members of Boko Haram are described by people like me as devilish people, then Christians who care not and even fail to mention such devilish act of terror in their prayers are more devilish. I usually attend Church services, and I am astonished that no one at any time leading prayer has ever asked members to pray for the abducted girls and other victims of terror in Nigeria and other countries. This is the height of insensitivity on our part who profess to know the true God.

But as for me and my family, we shall always remember the victims in our prayers and also pray for the nations under siege of the terrorists. The injunction of our Lord Jesus Christ is that we must mourn with those who mourn.
