The Life and Ministry of the Minister that conquers By Pade Tokun

A lecture delivered by Pade Tokun at the August 2018 Advancing The Impossible Conference (ATIC) held between 23rd and 25th. 

A correct attitude & perspective is what has been the focus of these devotions.
- In Day 1, we looked at how impossible and enormous the task is; how we are called to do what a man cannot do.
- It is one thing to preach a good message, it’s another thing to change the heart of men.
- It’s not a good message that change hearts & bring repentance. It’s the Lord. We cannot bring people to repentance. Intelligence can bring a good message but intelligence cannot bring repentance.
- Our mandate to do the impossible is what pushes us to God. This is what shapes our perspective in our work; and pushes us to pray and compels us to pray.

- In Day 2, we tried to define the expectations of the Lord concerning the Church. He said, “Ye are the salt & the light.”
- Church is not just about making people go to Heaven. The Church has a vocation on earth.
- As a leader, we are not just called to point people to heaven; we must also perform our calling in our world.

- The earth & the world are the same things in a sense but they are also different.
- The world has an undertone of a spiritual system.
- Salt must totally disintegrate into the earth.
- John 12:26, “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”
- Ministry is not first about activity. Ministry should be an overflow of my life. Ministry cannot be separated from my life. If your life is not approved, your Ministry can never be approved no matter the anointing
- Our ministry takes root in who we are.
- In ministry, your life is the fertile ground on which your ministry must grow. If your life is poisonous, your ministry will be poisonous
- Ministry does not start with correct training. Ministry starts in learning & growing in serving Jesus.
- It’s an error to start ministry by sending people to train. We must learn to follow Jesus before going for formal training.

- The starting point that cannot be avoided is to FOLLOW Jesus.
- Jesus said, “Where I am, there must my servant be.”
- To serve the Lord correctly, the first thing is to fix our eyes on Jesus. That is the root of manifesting Him.

- Such a person will be honored by God; that means, God will manifest Himself in him.
- Formal Academic Training is good. But we need to check if people have learnt to follow Jesus before entering formal training.

- Many times, it seems that our perspective of ministry is wrong. We often think that ministry is the activity we do. But that’s wrong. True ministry is just following Jesus and allowing Him to work.
- Following Jesus will allow God to lead you to respond to things around you.
- For example, for a Pastor, as people look at him & his family - these are things that will move people’s hearts.

- Ministry is to allow God to instruct me in circumstances. Jesus will not always lead you into things you will always love; in fact, He will lead you into some difficult situations.
- John 12:26, “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”
- Here’s a wrong question we often ask: “What are qualities in a man that God will see and call into ministry?”

- When Jesus saw Peter, He saw his weaknesses also; that’s why He Said, “I will make you.”
- God doesn’t call you because you’re of good quality; it’s because He sees what He can make of you in the future.

- Jesus sees me as a raw material. The correct mindset is that I am a raw material. His work in me is producing His work through me.
- The experiences in my life are ways God uses to mold me.
- Ministry does not have root in anointing.
- It’s God who makes us what we are not. We will transform the world as we allow God to transform us.

- Transformation in any form is not an easy experience.
- For example, When you buy yam, you buy it because you see what it can become. You peel it, you cut it, you then put it on the fire.
- Jesus did not call Peter because of some qualities that Peter had. He saw the transformation project for Peter and that’s why He started to work on him.
- Jesus’ project is to peel you, to cut you & to put you on fire.
- To serve Jesus, He has only one request: “Follow Me & I Will Make You.”
- This is the mindset of a minister that will achieve the impossible.
- Can we say to Jesus: “Make me. I will follow you.”

- Ministry starts with things you don’t see; secret things between you & the Lord; the sparks from following & obeying Him is what people see and they show up as ministry.
- May God make us see ministry the way He sees it. When we do ministry right, we shall see the effects & feel the weight & see the fruit in our lives.
