Why Federal Government retracted the Statement about the Release of Leah Sharibu By Ijuo Okpe

In the list of the 110 abducted girls of Government Girls Science and Technical College (GGSTC), Dapchi, Leah Sharibu is number 77. She is 16 years old and in SS1F.

                  Leah's Mother (Left) and Leah

It was true that Boko Haram promised to release Leah on Saturday, March 24. This was confirmed in an interview Inspector General of Police (IGP) Ibrahim Kpotun Idris granted the press in the afternoon of that day. The Federal Government had then ordered the security agencies to relax their operation within Dapchi community. That was also the method adopted when 104 girls were released. The Boko Haram members were assured that none of them would be arrested when they brought the abducted.

The Dapchi people were in high spirit throughout Saturday and were busy offering prayers to God in expectation of the release of Leah. Throughout the night, Mr. President and members of his cabinet were awake expecting to hear that the girl has been brought to Dapchi community. From the evening of that Saturday till dawn it was vigil, but when nothing was heard till Sunday morning, the Federal Government felt embarrassed.

In other to cover the disappointment, the FG directed Inspector General of Police to recant the interview granted the press the previous day. By 11 O’clock in the morning of Sunday March 25, the Police Spokesman called a press conference where he denied that IG ever said that Leah Sharibu had been released and was on her way back home. The spokesman said, IGP was misunderstood and misquoted, and that what IGP actually meant was that the 104 girls already in the custody of the Federal Government were being taking back to Dapchi to be handed over to their parents.

Boko Haram members know how Leah is receiving world attention and they probably want to use her for further favourable negotiation with the Federal Government. We should expect such deceits from Boko Haram in days to come knowing that holding on to Leah whom they see as a golden fish will make the Federal Government to do anything they may demand for them, more so when there are consistent pressures from Christians in particular. Well, we all need to collectively and individually continue to pray for Leah and others still in captivity.

Read also: "Police recants Statement about Leah's Release" earlier published here.
