A call for Solution of unemployment

I consider it a point of duty on my part to contribute to the ongoing discussion on unemployment in our country. It is unfortunate and I personally feel pained to see the youths roaming the streets searching for jobs that are never available. The truth is that the anti-social behaviour is the product of joblessness.

The insecurity in our country is far from being nipped in the bud if employment is not created to engage the jobless youths. Insurgency, thuggery, kidnapping, abduction, robbery and other crimes being witnessed are the result of frustrations due to joblessness. This reminds me of the popular saying:  “An idle hand is the workshop of the devils”. Thus most of the youths nowadays have become a weapon in the hands of the devil.

It is not surprising that many unemployed youths can accept any amount of money from politicians to commit any crime including snatching ballot boxes during elections. Majority of the unemployed youths see thuggery as a profitable venture.

Unemployment is not limited to the young graduates alone, but many adults, especially men have lost their gainful employment. Many men have lost their jobs due to economic recession all over the world; it seems to me that my dear country, Nigeria is most affected. Men who are heads of the families have suddenly become incapacitated and can no longer provide for the families. Where this continues for a long time, women become uncontrollable by their husbands and this leads to family breaking-up.

There is no doubt that when man has lost economic power, it affects the society immensely, as the means to train children and cater for the dependents are not always there. The result in most cases is lack of submission when the wife can no longer bear the burdens. Some children become wayward while girls from many of such homes engage in prostitution.

In the light of the above foregoing observations, I appeal to the government to look into the issue of unemployment and job losses. Government should create a conducive environment so that people can on their own showcase their talents by creating employment for themselves.  There should be regular power supply. The issue of insecurity should be addressed and tackled head on. As a patriotic citizen, I strongly believe that there is hope for our dear country as all that is required is for the Governments at all levels to put in place all the essentials of life.

Aminat Adesope is one of our Staff Writers.
