Causes of road Accident and the Way out By Aminat Adesope

There are different means of transportation, namely: road, rail, water and air. Road is the commonest means of transportation. It is affordable when compared with both water and the air transport. Flexibility in its route and simple construction mode make it most convenient.

The way accidents happen on roads is very alarming. Daily, precious lives are lost due to reckless driving, bad roads and worn-out tyres. This carnage is worrisome and it calls for concern. One wonders why it doesn’t make much news when accidents happen and the pertinent question is, ‘Is it because the victims are majorly the low class people?’ Yes, the attention received whenever there is an air crash is different from when an accident occurs on the road, as if every life is not important.
Many drivers are not literate as such they cannot read the road signs. Drivers need to be trained from time to time. Some drivers even including educated ones are always in a hurry to get to their destinations and what result are high speed, dangerous over-taking without minding the vehicles coming from the opposite lane, over-taking at road bends and driving under the influence of alcohol. The problem is further compounded by the nature of road signs which are not easily visible because of the way they have been erected.

Another cause of road accidents is drug abuse. Some drivers are in the habit of taking intoxicants. The authorities are implored to apply preventive measure by ensuring that erring drivers are prosecuted and have their driver licenses withdrawn for at least six months.

Governments should maintain roads regularly as is done in other climes, especially in the developed world. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) should be well equipped and remunerated to enable them perform their duties creditably. Life indeed has no duplicate so we owe ourselves a collective duty to ensure safety of lives.

Aminat Adesope is one of Staff Writers.
