Challenges facing Marriage Institution and the Way out by Aminat Adesope

Marriage as an institution ordained by God is supposed to be enjoined and not endured. It’s unfortunate that this God’s established institution is highly abused despised the so-called civilization where many people are well educated and enlightened.

Divorce is on the increase. It is no longer a thing to be ashamed of to walk out of marriage. No one fells stigmatized any more. Both men and women don’t feel bad when their marriages fail to work. Surprisingly divorcees don’t feel reluctant to write ‘divorce’ in forms or any official documents requiring stating marital status.

What the societies witness nowadays are people seeking for judicial separation or outright divorce for any slightest disagreement that could ordinarily be resolved amicably.

The alarming rate of divorce calls for urgent address. Divorce is more pronounced among the people who don’t formalize their marriages. It is wrong for man and woman to violate the order of God by coming to live together and produce children without properly marrying each other.  Marriage is sacrosanct and we should respect both the Marital law and the native law and custom of the land as they relate to issue of celebration of marriage. Consent of the parents or guardians of both parties is necessary.

People who have not gone through proper marriage cannot said to have married each other. One can therefore not be surprised to hear either of the cohabitant threatening to work out of their illegitimate union whenever there is any misunderstanding by saying, “After all you have not married me”.

I join other well-meaning peoples of the world to also call for simple celebration of marriage; bride price should not be high – after all we are not selling human beings.
Wedding reception where so much is spent to feed both friends and enemies is not necessary. This ceremony is not what makes marriage valid.

I also plead with the governments all over the world to assist families which have given births by providing food for the less privileged ones for the first six months after each child birth. I call for free anti-natal in all the government hospitals.

Government should do everything humanly possible by providing all the necessities of life for the masses to ameliorate their sufferings in order to reduce divorces and crimes that result from such broken homes where children lack proper upbringing.

Aminat Adesope is one of our Staff-writers.
