How violent video games promote crimes by Aminat Adesope

Some video games are not good for children to watch as they contain violent activities. Such video games promote violence rather than encouraging morality. Violent video games don’t add value to the life of the young ones.  Since such videos only focus on evil things, children and youths who indulge in watching them learn criminality, therefore, I personally canvass that violent video games be banned.
Violent video games no doubt also expose the youths to crimes and immoral behaviour. Those videos corrupt the minds of children and young adults with negative effect on the society.
For instance, violent video games teach the youths how high hybrid stealing can be carried out successfully. In real life situation, these youths will like to practice what they have learnt from the games. The pertinent question is, what does the society gain from such violent video games? The answer is affirmatively nothing but only crimes, wanton destruction of common wealth and school dropout.
Violent video games have led to the destruction of our cultural heritage, as children and youths have not seen anything good about our cultures any more. It is also unfortunate that youths don’t have respect for the constituted authorities since that is what violent video games promote.
I call on parents and guardians to support the governments to promote national reorientation. Let us all see ourselves as stakeholders in ‘Change begins with me’. 

Aminat Adesope is our Staff writer
