Importance of Education by Aminat Adesope

Education should reflect in the life of every child. Parents and guardians should develop interest by encouraging children to form the habit of reading. Children should romance with books rather than spending irreversible precious time doing what will not benefit them in future.

When child is well acquainted with books early in life; when his primary interest is in the mountainous bookshelves in the School library; when he realizes so soon that there should be a special apartment in the resident known as the library, then he will grow to be a great person in the society. There is no doubt that such a child will grow with mental adventurism. 
Mental adventurism is human ability to know something about everything, to be able to interact on diverse issues. If Adam was taught the name of all things, it should not be too much for a man to possess at least some ideas of several things. It is also advisable that children should not be limited to their academic work. They should rather be exposed to the western civilization, our good culture and religious doctrines. Children should be taught morals.
The essence of education is to add value and be self-reliance. Whatever level of education attained by children it should be with the intention to help them to realize their dreams.
We should show interest in the education of our children and trust that children need proper academic training from pious teachers who can effectively educate them so that when they grow up they will know the purpose of their existence as human beings.
Muslims in particular should remember the Quranic dictate which states that: “Read in the name of thy Lord who created you” Q 96 vs 1. 

Aminat Adesope is our staff writer.
