Islam view on breast feeding by Aminat Adesope

“Mothers shall breast-feed their children for two whole years” (Q 2 vs 223)
The Quranic verse cited above clearly establishes the right of a Muslim child to breast feeding. Breast feeding being a divine injunction, has become a religious obligation every Muslim woman must comply with. The above cited verse also stipulates the duration of this noble act of affection of a mother for a child which is two years and no mother should deny or stop breast feeding her child before the end of two years.

“We have enjoined man to show kindness to his parents. In pain his mother bears him and in much pain she gave birth to him. He is carried and weaned in thirty months”. Q 46 vs 15
Thus, the thirty months reference in that verse is interpreted to mean that ‘Aml’ (Pregnancy) is carried for at least six months while ‘Al-Fisaal’ (breast feeding) is to be observed for complete two years.

Since breast feeding an infant for a complete two year duration following his birth is obligatory on every Muslim mother, failure in this respect is tantamount to depriving the innocent child of his God-given right.

The fact that conception in a woman is usually accompanied by breast enlargement and delivery by the flow of breast milk is enough indication that a baby is expected by Allah, his creator, to be sustained through breast feeding. Most women however fail to realize this resorting instead to artificial food given in the form of bottle feeding. The grouse of such women against breast feeding usually centers on the vain desire to protect their figures and self esteem as well as selfish desire to see to interests (usually economic) outside the home, which they feel they must attend to. Such excuses are however not only condemnable in Islam, they also constitute a callous relegation of the baby and the value its presence offers them.

Being the natural and the most normal way of feeding a baby, breast feeding should be an enjoyable and highly rewarding experience for nursing women, with no other form of commitment worthy of being elevated above it in value. A responsible mother should be highly gratified and protective watching her baby feed from her breast, for that is part of the necessary affection required by child nursing in Islam.

The advantage of breast feeding to a nursing mother and her baby can, by no means be over-estimated. It has been confirmed by recent scientific researches that it provides all the nutrients needed for the maintenance of good health and balanced growth for a baby during the early months of his birth, which is why it is advisable that breast feeding of a child should commence the same day he is born.

The very first milk produced by the breasts (called colostrums) is said to contain anti-bodies that serve as protection for a baby against different forms of infections. A child who is fortunate enough to enjoy breast feeding from his mother, right from the first day, without even the occasional bottle of infant ‘formula’ is less likely to develop allergic conditions such as severe asthma and eczema than those children who were deprived of breast milk but rather fed with bottle food.

Lastly unlike bottle feeding, breast feeding involves no time consuming milk preparation and is much more convenient to give, it involves no problem of determining the appropriate temperature and is of course, cheaper too. While breast feeding a child, it is commendable to start in the name of Allah (SWT) or to even make the normal eating supplication.

There is no available evidence from the Quran, Sunnah and the sayings of the companions that babies are immune against satanic interactions and harms during breast feeding. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has therefore instructed Muslims to supplicate before eating in order that Satan may be scared from partaking with them in their food.

A Child should not be abandoned to cry as a result of hunger on a flimsy excuse but should be instantly fed on demand. A hungry child may show signs of hunger by looking anxious, sucking his fist or thumb and sometimes by turning his head seeking the breast.

Whenever anyone of these signs is noticed, it becomes a religious obligation on the mother to breast feed her child. It is encouraged and advisable that Muslim women complete the two year breastfeeding duration recommended by Allah (SWT) before the total weaning of their babies.

