Image result for eld kabir day
We give thanks to Almighty Allah for sparing our lives to witness the 12th month of the Islamic calendar which is Dhul-Hijjah known to be one of the sacred months in Islam. This is the month in which Hajj is performed. For those of us that did not have the privilege of performing Hajj, here are some injunctions we must follow:

First and foremost, we are all expected to fast from the first day of Dhul-Hijjah to the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah (Eid-ul-Adha day), but if there is any reason why we will not to be able to fast for ten days, we must fast on Yaomal Arafat meaning the day the Hajj pilgrims will climb the mount Arafat and also we must not eat on the Eid day until after the Eid prayer. This is the practice of the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

On the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah (Eid-ul-Adha day), we must take our Ghusl bath (Spiritual bath) before going for the Eid prayer. We are all expected to put on the best of our clothes, the males should apply perfumes on their bodies but it is forbidden for females to apply perfumes on their bodies because it amounts to committing  zina (adultery) if other men perceive the scent emanating from the married women apart from their husbands. Woman can only apply perfume in her husband’s house.
After proper dressing up as required, we are all expected to converge at the Eid praying ground. We must trek to the prayer Ground no matter the distance because the Prophet (SAW) said: “The best transportation to Eid is by trekking on our feet because a step we take attracts ten rewards”. On our way to the Eid, we should be glorifying Allah (SWT), we must not engage in slanderous talks.
We should be saying the following statement: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, walillahil hamdu, Allahu Akbar kabiira, fasubhanallahi bukratan waasila, Allahu Akbar”. 

We must continue repeating this statement until the Imam says it is time to observe the Eid prayer which comprises two Rakahs. After the Eid prayer, we must all sit down attentively to listen to the Sermon of the Imam and Slaughtering of the ram. After all these, we can now go ahead to eat.
For those that are capable of buying Rams or Cows, they can now slaughter them on returning from the Eid as Allah (SWT) has ordained us to kill animals with kindness. Before we slaughter an animal, the Prophet has taught us what to say before slaughtering an animal and it goes like this:
“Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar {Allahumma minka walaka} Allahumma taqabbal minni” meaning “In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest! {Oh Allah, from you and to you} Oh Allah, accept it from us”. Related by Bukhari and Muslim. After this prayer, we can then slaughter it.
Allah has commanded us to slaughter animals as a sacrifice during Eid-ul-Adha, because Allah does not want anybody to celebrate Eid in a sorrowful mood. It is therefore advisable that the people that have the privilege of slaughtering rams or cows must share to the poor and the needy, and not to the people that have also slaughtered their own rams or cows too.  Anyone that disobeys this injunction will have no reward from Allah.
It is important to remember that we are warned not to keep meat inside the fridge or preserve it by salting and drying it under the sun to be eaten bit by bit.  The meat must not be kept more than three days.

 Aminat Adesope is our staff writer


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