Ochoro Liberation Movement on the march to regain freedom

  Ijuo Okpe

 Motto: Justice, Peace and Progress
Date: 5th July, 1999
C/O Adikobia of Ochoro
Chief Ijuo Owulo
To all Ochoro People,

Our decision to take actions to free ourselves from servitude is borne out of the saying that “Heaven helps those who help themselves”. We are a people living in a house with the roof on fire. This pre-supposes that it is foolhardy of us to sleep. We must bellow for helps to put off this fire.

For years immemorial we have been suffering neglect and social alienation. Our community is treated as a parish with the people subjecting to all sorts of discrimination, oppression and dehumanization. The pertinent question is, “For how long shall we keep quiet?” Look! We have potentials to make things work positively for ourselves. But this is possible only if we realize that peace and progress flow from unity. Then the watchword now is UNITY.

We the people of Ochoro in the Western part of the country had a meeting in July, and resolved to send a SOS letter to the chairman of Oju Local Government, and copied it to the Ada utu of Igede, Chief Ikande Idikwuu, Igede Development Association (IDA) and Ainu Progressive Union (APU) to come to our aid.

In order to achieve our desired goals, we have resolved that all Ochoro people should pay the sum of Two Hundred Naira (N200.00) each. This money is expected to be paid before the end of October. Each village of Ochoro is advised to appoint people who will be collecting this money. A reliable and trustworthy treasurer for each village should be appointed to keep the money pending when it will be deposited in the bank. We have sent some exercise books home to be used for records of all donations. Installmental payment is allowed provided the whole payment does not exceed October.
We have decided that all Ochoro both at home and abroad should be holding meetings on 1st Saturday of every month. For instance, “Ochoro Liberation Movement”, Western Branch Comprising Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti and Ondo States will hold its meeting on 1st Saturday of August which will be 7th.

We also advise that you people should do a thorough environmental sanitation. Ochoro is becoming bushy. We humbly appeal to you people at home to cut and clear everywhere including the old Mission and the premises of the primary school.

The money we intend to contribute will be used for among other things:
  1. Legal action in case our matter goes to court;
  2. Building of Ochoro (Ipinugba) bridge and
  3. Efforts to free ourselves from the Tivs.
No stone should be left unturned. Please, all hands must be on deck to ensure success in this war of liberation. Our forefathers were fearless warriors, so we must be ready to be like them. We must be ready to defend our territory without fear.

Note that some people, particularly in Lagos and Abuja have pledged to pay up to N1,000.00 each. We hope this will boost the morale of every one of us. Then we appeal to people to volunteer to pay much more. Please, our collective effort for self-actualization is highly needed.

Find enclosed some copies of the letter sent to the chairman of Oju and others. May God bless us.
Yours Faithfully,
Ag. General Secretary

The Executive Chairman of Oju Local Government when the above SOS letter was written was Hon. Godwin Oji Owulo
