Poor Transportation System in Nigeria by Aminat Adesope

I feel it is my duty as a patriotic citizen of Nigeria to air my view on the developmental projects being executed by the Lagos State. I want to also commend the efforts of the Federal government for some of its noble projects in terms of road and railway networks.

The transportation system in the country is poor in the sense that past administrations had neglected to give the necessary attention to this important sector that is the life wire of the economy.
Apart from bad roads and lack of good railways, the high cost of petrol and diesel does not help matter. Most of the roads are not properly built as poor materials are usually used. This makes the roads to wear and tear easily. The roads easily give way due to the weight of the vehicles plying them on daily basis.
I totally agree with Mr. President that we must kill corruption or else corruption will destroy the nation. I believe that the problems can be assuaged if some drastic measures are taken. One of which is the general repairs of roads. There should be regular proper maintenance. Every government in power should give serious attention to the maintenance culture.
Aminat Adesope is our Staff writer.
