Question of discipline and why Change begins with Me

By bad company we mean associating with people who have no good manner. There are many people who lack good home training. There is no doubt that the upbringing of some people is very poor. Such people lack discipline and they are so spoiled that they don’t know the difference between good and bad.

Keeping company with children who lack home training will destroy the children with good upbringing morally and academically. It is advisable to be selective in the matter of choice of friends. It is not every person that is a friend element or material.  Some people don’t have vision in life and they only choose to live without thinking of anything of benefit in life.

At school, students who keep bad company will lose interest in studies. It is pertinent to note that bad friends don’t take studies seriously. All they understand is committing themselves to drinking alcohol and smoking.  Prostitution also becomes the order of the day.

I weep that our society is suffering from moral decadence. Teens and youths in particular lack moral and what is noticed in their conducts is arrogance. They lack respect for the elders and even the authorities. It is my belief that some of the students fail in schools and eventually become school dropouts because of stubbornness and lack of self-discipline.

Children who keep bad company are prone to initiation into cult by their bad friends who have influence over them. When this happens, the initiated friends join them to terrorize the society by killing and robbing people.

I advise parents and guardians to see the training of children as a duty they must personally perform. Money is not everything. We should understand that good name is better than silver and gold. We must all see ourselves as stakeholders in this task of making the society safe.  We should look before we leap.

We must laud and support the initiatives of the government in trying to get rid of our country of crimes. I personally support the recently launched national orientation program in Nigeria which is “Change begins with me”. Yes we must support it irrespective of our tribes and political affiliation. Remember the adage that says “Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. We should try to know the kind of friends we have to avoid negative influence.

Also I want to re-emphasis my advice that parents should not abdicate their responsibility of training their children the way they should go, so that when they grow old they will know how to conduct themselves.

Aminat Adesope is our Staff writer.
