Right Approach to upbringing of a girl child

The duty of both parents in the upbringing of a girl child is complex and involving. This is not just because of the girlish obstinacy, but probably because of the nature of girl which is fragile and can be easily manipulated in the society that is fast losing its moral values. Parents therefore are required to give closer monitoring of the girl child to protect her from rapists and deceitful men who usually capitalize on the weakness of the women folks to lure them to immoral sex resulting in unwanted pregnancy.

Parents should not employ house help and sub-delegate their duty of training their children to the immature person who also needs to be trained. The so-called house helps don’t help at all. Many of these house-helps maltreat children they are employed to take care of, and parents rarely know of what their children go through in the hands of some of these maids except on rare occasions when physical harms are done to the child.

It’s unfortunate that many mothers get to know about ugly development going on behind the scene very late and by the time they realise and want to be close to the daughters to make them to open up, those daughters have already spoiled. The best time to be close to the children is between ages zero to ten as it is obvious that when this is neglected when the girl child in particular is still young, she will not listen to any advice when she approaches age fifteen and above.

I, therefore, advise parents not to treat both moral and spiritual upbringing of female children with levity. For any attempt at trivializing it is akin to setting a whole nation ablaze. Our daughters are the mothers of the nation and future mothers of our grand children. The world is now a global village and we should understand the challenges which come with technologies and internet. Children get all such of information faster now and the result is moral decadence.

Our bodies are expected to be properly covered, but what we are witnessing now is girls almost going about naked thereby making men feel seduced.  Far from tempting the gaze of amorous beholders with her coquetry, girl is obliged to reserve her fleshy beauty for her legitimate spouse.

In the case of Muslim whose females dress properly by covering themselves to avoid the prime eyes of the lust in obedience to divine injunction, it is clear how radiating their skins are compared to the females who expose almost the whole of their bodies. In fact the veil worn by Muslim girl preserves the glitters and beauty of her skin.

It is important to note that mini-skirts, bathing tube, body hugs, tight leggings and some other filthy wears made by lycra fabrics are morally condemned and not socially befitting to someone born of the human species.
To this end, as a Muslim, I advise that Muslim girls should be tutored on both the spiritual and moral benefit of wearing veil and this should start at tender age. Every girl should be made to abhor those filthy wears and be simply inspired with a spiritual aspiration and not to copy the immorally upbringing girls parading themselves on the Streets.

Aminat Adesope is our Staff writer.
