Science and Technology in national development

Science and Technology is one of the areas where our modern world differs from the ancient peoples. Science and Technology which dovetail into each other are essential tools for rapid development in our present society. This explains why countries which have high caliber of scientists develop materially than those that lack or have insignificant or ineffective personnel. But what is Science?
Science is the systematic study of nature and its laws under physics, chemistry and biology and other semi-science subjects. And Technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge or inventions to the solving of everyday problems or facilitation hitherto tedious to human activities.
Products of science and technology are everywhere being used in our modern world: electricity, automobiles, aircraft, computers, telephone, radio, television, plants and machines for production and modern scientific medical processes for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, infections or illnesses. America, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Korea, China, Japan are developed or in fact industrialized, because these countries have benefitted from the fruits of science and technology.

African countries still lag behind because of the type of education they provide for students at all levels which is theoretical. No practical and the aftermath are students acquiring education without the knowledge of how to invent or discover new things. It’s shameful that we only emphasize on paper qualification in Nigeria in particular.

It’s unfortunate that in our country, we have many students graduating yearly with even First Class in all aspects of Engineering without the knowledge of engines. A mechanical engineer taking his machine to an illiterate roadside mechanics for repairs or an electrical engineer inviting a local semi-educated electrician to repair or wire his premises is very shameful.

Science courses are underfunded and even graduates in these fields are not utilized. If Nigeria wants to be developed in all facets of modern sciences and technologies, we must give ample attention them in terms of practical.  Indeed our country can only forge ahead and be self-sufficient and less dependent on the advance countries if our leaders show interest in science and technology which are the key to development.

Aminat Adesope is our staff writer.
