God created every believer to make a contribution on planet earth. He didn’t create you to be a consumer, but a contributor. You are wonderfully and carefully crafted to make a difference with your life.

God wants you to add and not just to take from it. He wants you to give something back. This is what is called ministry or service.

a.      You are created to serve God
God placed you on this earth for a special assignment. Eph. 2:10; Col.3:23-24; Eph. 6:7; Jer.1:5.

b.      You are saved to serve God, 2Tim. 1:9
You were redeemed so you could do God’s work. God has a place, a purpose, a role, and a function for you to fulfill. In the light of what God has done for us, we are expected to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to god, dedicated to His service, Rom. 12:1. Apostle John says our loving service to others shows we are truly saved. 1John 3:4.

c.       You are called to serve God
Calling to serve is not limited only to pastors, missionaries, and evangelists. Every Christian is called by God to serve. 2Tim. 1:9; 1Peter 2:9; Rom. 7:4.
·         Each believer has a role to play in the body of Christ. 1Cor. 12:27. What can you offer in terms of service is seriously needed.
·         There is no small service to God. There is no insignificant ministry in the Church. Though some can be seen while some are behind the scenes, but all are valuable and significant.
·         We are all dependent on each other to function. That is why every ministry matters.

You are equipped to serve
Service is not an option for a Christian. It is an obligation. Service is the heart of the Christian life. Jesus came to serve and to give. Rom.14:12 says, each of us is going to give account to God. Life is meant for ministry.

You are equipped to serve God
It is the characteristic of God to equip His soldiers. When God gives a man an assignment to do, He also in turn equips the man for the job.
·         God gave us spiritual gifts to serve Him. 1Cor.12:11, 29-30.
·         God gave you passion also for some jobs. You can’t excel in any job you don’t have passion for. Deu.11:13; Rom.1:9.
·         God also gave some abilities. 1Cor.12:4-6; Exod.31:3-5; Rom.12:6. No one will ever be like you. He created each of us with a unique combination of personality traits. He made extroverts and also introverts.

We are called to serve. Ministry is a call to serve God and humanity. Service is the pathway to greatness in the kingdom. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. Christians are to follow the path of their Master. Serve the Lord faithfully; serve the Lord joyfully; serve with humility; serve diligently. Every assignment is a platform for lifting. Therefore, if you want to succeed in your service as a leader and minister of the gospel, you need to grow in your level of influence. God bless you!

Rev. Niyi Oloyede is the Senior Pastor of the
Foursquare Gospel Church, Teju-Osho Zonal Headquarters
Yaba, Lagos.
