Stop producing Weapons of mass destruction

The basic needs of human beings are food and shelter. We must eat to live. A situation where many countries neglect agriculture is not acceptable.

No country can boast of self-sufficiency – no, not even advance countries with their technologies and industries. If the leaders and rulers of the nations of the world don’t declare a state of emergency on agriculture, I foresee famine in the world in the next few years.

No country can boast of total independence. The inter-dependence of the nations can never be wished away; therefore advance countries should not consider the so-called developing countries as less important. The reason for the wars and rumours of wars is the mass production of sophisticated weapons by the super power nations like America, Russia, Japan, Germany and China. North Korea also wants to make itself relevant in that regard.

If urgent attention is not paid to agriculture and other basic needs of mankind, believe me, in no long distance human beings will totally annihilate their existence in this wicked world. A ‘word’ it is said, “is enough for the wise”.

By Aminat Adesope, our Staff-writer
