The latest on the Release of Dapchi Girls by Boko Haram

104 Dapchi Girls released by Boko Haram
Federal Government has confirmed that only 104 girls have been released out of 110. Five girls were said to have died. A girl refused to convert to Islam and has been held by the sect. According to the released girls, one of the Christian girls strongly opposed to being forcefully converted to Islam preferring instead to die, and was not released along with others. The girl was given the condition to embrace Islam in order to be released, but she was said to have vehemently refused to have anything to do with Islam. She was said to have declared without fear that Jesus is her Father.

Meanwhile, Information and Culture Minister, Lai Muhammed said, the girls were brought to Dapchi by their abductors around 3.00am and not 8am as earlier announced.

Published on March 21, 2018 in our
