The Price of Leadership (3) By Pastor Abayomi Olayinka

Give more than is expected of you – Develop extra mile concept in all you do – Matt.5:41. Be diligent in your assignment. Do not just do it. Do it with all your might – Ecc.9:10. People do not commend efforts, but results. As a leader, you must know that activity is not necessarily accomplishment – Prov.22:29; Jer.48:10 – ( in Living Bible, it says) “Cursed be anyone doing the LORD’s work negligently…”
Ø  Develop an “I can” mentality – Phil.3:13.
Ø  Develop positive attitudes to life – Phil.4:8-14.
Ø  Do not see anything as impossible – Mark 9:23. “Impossibility is only in the Dictionary of fools”, and NOT IN THAT OF THE CALLED LEADERS!
Ø  Be a servant-leader – Mark 9:35-41. A true leader serves. He advances others by serving and adding values to their lives. He knows that getting ahead in the school of leadership, he must put others first. He serves out of love and not for what he will get. A true leader knows the way up is the way down. Servant leaders do not see themselves as rulers over God’s people but as partners and co-workers in the vineyard of God – John15:15; 1Peter 5:1-3.
Ø  Let humility be part of your life – Phil.2:8; James 4:6. There is nothing you have that is not given to you. Leadership is a privileged opportunity to serve! Use it for God’s glory.
Ø  Be selfless – Phil.2:3-4. A person starts to live when he can live outside of himself. Leadership has a cost; and the higher you want to go in leadership, the more you will need to give up.
a.      A leader has to give up to go up.
b.      A leader has to give up to grow up.
c.       A leader has to give up to stay up.
A leader has to do these not for his sake, but for the sake of others. A leader must be one-step ahead of others. You do not qualify to be a leader if you are not going up, growing up and staying up. When a leader stops learning, he starts dying. There is no point of arrival for a leader. A leader must always be teachable if he wants to continue to lead – Prov.18:15 (in Living Bible, it says) “The intelligent man always open to new ideas, in fact he looks for them”.
Ø  Be submissive to leadership – Phil.2:8. Rebellion is a destroyer of destiny – 2Sam.18:10-15.
Ø  Excellence is key – Give your best to whatever you do – Luke 4:28-32. “quality is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives”.
Ø  Integrity – Dan.1:18-19. This is the state of being complete or unified. It is when your words match up with your actions. It is being who you are, no matter where you are or whom you are with. Integrity matters in all we do.
Ø  Respect – Prov.11:16: Respect is reciprocal; and it will only add to you and not subtract from you. Respect is earned. Leading becomes easier for a leader when he gains the respect of his people.
Ø  Honesty – This is being truth at all cost – Job 1:6-8. Let people know you what you stand for.
Ø  Accountability – How accountable are you in the things of God? 2Chron.16:9; John 17:1-4.
Ø  Faith – You must have faith in yourself and confidence in your God, because it takes faith to tap into the currency of heaven. Job 14:7-9.
Ø  Contentment – This is a Christian virtue. Godliness with contentment is great gain – 1Tim.6:6.
Ø  Be a living example at home – The home is the foundation ground for inculcating positive leadership tips to our children – 1Cor.11:1.
To be continued!
