The Price of Leadership By Pastor Abayomi Olayinka

This is a Lecture delivered by Pastor Abayomi Olayinka at the Leadership Training/Retreat organised by the Foursquare Women International (FWI) under the theme: GRACE FOR ACCELERATION held at Yaba.

The full fulfillment of mandate in our leadership roles within the fold means that we have to deny ourselves and take up our cross. The cross always speaks of denial, sacrifice and total death to self. Until that happens, we will never know or experience the joy of our leadership assignment in the workshop of the Master. We might ask, “Why do we have to die to self or deny ourselves?” The answer is “Your self-life will never comprehend, know or understand the ways of God and His sole aim of appointing YOU a leader”. His ways are far different to ours and they cannot be received by the natural wisdom, mind and reasoning of man – 1Cor.2:1-8. God is a Spirit, and once we start living the life of self-denial, the Holy Spirit is able to open our spiritual eyes and ears; and give us revelation of the truth and purposes of God for us in leadership. Leadership is not a joke; and the following facts MUST always ring in our minds in aiding our quest to pay the price:
Ø  Calling to leadership is Honourable – 1Tim.3:1.
Ø  Calling to leadership demands huge Responsibility – Num.13:21-25.
Ø  Calling to leadership does not run from problems at the expense of the Promise – Num.13:31.
Ø  Calling to leadership requires great Faith – Heb.11:23-29.
Keeping this in mind leaves you with a choice to make; and where your choice is right, paying the price becomes easy; and with a clear need to optimize your performance with the available grace of God on you.

To be continued!
