Tools for child training in Islam (1) by Aminat Adesope

Allah has taught us every aspect of life through the holy Quran including how to train our child properly.

Parents should make their children grow among the faithful, truthful, and the pious as this will enhance their Islam sense of socialization. The Holy Quran says:
“On the day when the wrong doer will bite his hands, he will say: Would that I had taken a path with the apostle! Woe unto me! Would that I had never chosen so and so for my companion! He led me astray from the reminder after it had reached me. Satan is ever treacherous to man”. Q 25 vs 27 – 29
Apart from the provision of formal Islamic & Western Education for a Muslim child, he should be allowed to partake in the family Ta’lim class that must be organized in every Muslim home and supervised by the father as the head of the family.
The Ta’lim could feature a review of Islamic books of different themes, which must be carefully chosen for the purpose of instilling Islamic morals and spiritual ethics in the entire house. This will undoubtedly assist the moral discipline of a Muslim child. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had instructed that:
“Teach your children three things: Love of your Prophet, Love of his household and Quranic readings”. (Abu Daud)
Training by admonition is a divine way of teaching that was also employed by many Prophets of Allah (SWT). It is advisable that Muslim Parents should take time to admonish their children whenever they see them go astray. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Yaqub (AS) had admonished their children thus:
“My children, Allah has chosen for you the true faith. Do not depart this world except as men who have submitted to Him”. Q 2 vs 132
And in the same vein, Luqman is reported by Allah to have admonished Tharaan, his son, thus:
“And when Luqman said to his son, admonishing him: O’ my Son, associate no partners with Allah. Surely associating partners with Allah is a grievous wrong”. Q 31 vs 13
The best form of training that can be given to a Muslim child is the one commencing when he is of tender age. Child training and upbringing should therefore start the very day he is born. Although a baby may not possess a high degree of perception, intellectual and sense of moral discrimination, the post –natal practice prescribed by Islam for a new baby is still among the many ways by which his parents can begin his upbringing the day he is born. Subsequent training and teachings must also be monitored so that he can grow up well a Muslim child.
To be continued.

Aminat Adesope is our staff writer.
