Tools for child training in Islam (2) by Aminat Adesope

Islam permits that a child be punished for an offence but only when other measures adopted in guiding and correcting him have failed. Such a measure include teaching him what he is ignorant of, as well as admonishing him whenever he is seen deviating to error.

In fact, the act of punishing a Muslim child is expected to follow the prescriptions of Allah on how a Muslim husband should caution the excess of his wife. In the words of Allah:
“As for those women from who you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to bed apart and beat them. Allah is High, Supreme” Q 4 vs 34

Abdullah Nasih U’lwan, while explicating this particular verse, said: “You have seen that punishment through beating is well placed in Islam. It is prescribed as the last resort coming after admonition and abstinence (from women). This indicates that it does not behoove a (child) trainer to employ severe means where the harsh-less is applicable. Also punishment is not tolerated except after the failure of reformative correction – knowing that the prophet never beat any of his wives.

There are other rules to be followed while punishing a Muslim child and these are as follows:
v    The punishment should aim at correction and not oppression.
v    The child must be aware of the reason behind the punishment inflicted on him.
v    The child must not be chained like an animal and delicate parts of his body such as eyes, hand etc. must be avoided in meting out the punishment.
v    The use of whips and canes in punishing a Muslim child should not exceed ten lashes, else the parents or trainer will account for an act of oppression before Allah.
v    A Muslim child should be taught, admonished and instructed to observe the obligatory prayers and Ramadan fast at the age of seven and punish for its violation from ten years upward.
v    After the punishment, the child should be made to repent and resolve never to return to the offence having realized his error.
To be concluded in the next write up.

