Why Women are more than Men

It is imperative to begin this write-up by asking rhetorically thus: Are there more women than men in population? Although the result of the population census of 2006 in Nigeria showed that men are more than women. However not many people agreed with that census result. Between the year 2006 and now, it appears there are more births of females than males.

The stark truth is that in any normal population, it is medically proved that out of one hundred conceptions, about 53 to 55 are for boys and about 45 to 47 are for girls. Under normal circumstances therefore male folks are supposed to be more than females.

However, because of many factors, some of which are not fully clear, the foetus of a male is far more fragile than that of a female. The result of this is that there are more miscarriages of males than that of the females. This thereby affects the ratio of males to females given birth to such that it is 52 girls to 48 boys.

Boys in their infancy are more delicate than girls. Infant mortality is more pronounced in the boy child than the girl’s. When boys grow into adulthood, they take more risky jobs than their female counterpart. Men are the breadwinners.

Men join army, police and other life threatening works such as driving vehicles like trailers, commercial vehicles, and engage in many dangerous works. There are more men smoking cigarettes, narcotics, drinking alcohol and engage in many life threatening activities than women. There is therefore no doubt that more men die in their forties and fifties of cardiac diseases like hypertension, heart attack and anxiety than women – which reduces the population of men. This is the reason we have more widows than widowers.

It is therefore true that there are more females than males, but certainly not in the proportion claimed by people, especially those who believe that the cause is polygamy.

Aminat Adesope is our Staff writer
