Rev. Felix Meduoye, G.O, Foursquare Gospel Church, Nigeria
The General Overseer of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Rev. Felix Meduoye has charged the Federal Government to expedite action to rescue the remaining Dapchi schoolgirl, Leah Sahribu from the Boko Haram. The GO made the appeal on Tuesday at the press Conference organized by the Church to create awareness about the forthcoming Annual Convention scheduled for November. Meduoye said, he cried bitterly the day he heard that Leah was held back by the sect because of her refusal to denounce her faith in Christ Jesus.

Meduoye said: 
“We thank God that our dear Sis. Leah Sharibu stood for the faith and that is why she is still in the camp of the terrorists.

“For me, when I heard it for the first time, I cried just like the mother would cry. I felt so bad and I think it is a serious problem for this country if that girl is killed because it will be a bad dent for us as a country. I think the government should do all that it can to see that the girl is brought back alive because it will speak volumes if she dies.

"For us as a Church, we will continue to pray for her safety and I believe that God has a way that no man can stop. I am trusting that Leah Sharibu is still going to come back alive”.
Leah Sharibu
