Beware of false Pastors By Evangelist Victory

Heaven and Hell are real. Beware of how you live your life.
Living a righteous life is now beyond religious practice; it is a hallmark action towards where you will spend your eternity.

As I write this piece I wept. It's very painful to see many great men of God on earth laboring for eternal torment. They claim they are working for God but God is not with them. These men and even women of God are known and respected by people, but they're not acknowledged in heaven.  Many church members are living in self deception.

Our pulpits are replaced with teachings filled with heresies.

Unfortunately, our young ones seek after material things, prophecies, and alas how to become rich and live in affluence, forgetting that they will not live in this evil world forever.

Victory John is an evangelist. She has decided to partner with us in writing for publications in this Blog. Henceforth you will be seeing her articles and messages published here. 
