Prayer: God wants you to specifically mention what you want Him to do for you

Jesus was going to Jericho and on His way, a certain blind man who used to sit by the road side begging for arms wondered what was going on that there were multitudes of people; and therefore inquired from the people. The name of the blind man was not made known. And he was told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing this way to Jericho.

The blind man then cried out loudly for mercy from Jesus Christ. He said, Jesus son of David, have mercy on me.

And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. Luke 18:38

People tried to stop him from disturbing Jesus. People rebuked and did all they could do to stop him from praying for mercy from Jesus, but the more people tried to stop him, the louder he cried out to Jesus in prayer for mercy.

Jesus then commanded that the blind man should be brought to Him. When the blind man was brought to Jesus, He asked him what exactly he wanted Him to do for him.

What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? Luke 18:41, KJV
What do you want me to do for you? Luke 18:41, NLT

Why didn’t Jesus heal the blind man when he was brought to Him? Why did Jesus ask the blind man what He should do for him? The blind man merely asked for mercy. What offence did he commit that he was pleading for leniency and mercy? It was when Jesus asked him what in particular he wanted Jesus to do for him that the blind man specifically mentioned that he wanted to receive his sight.

And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight. Luke 18:41

When the blind man specifically told Jesus what he wanted that Jesus would do for him, the prayer or request was clear and Jesus did it for him.

And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight, thy faith hath saved thee. Luke 18:42

Jesus healed the blind man, and when he received his sight, he followed Jesus “glorifying God” to the astonishment of the people who also joined him to praise the Lord.

You are advised to present your request well to God. Be specific. You shouldn’t be omnibus in your prayer requests. Mention what in particular you want God to do for you. In presenting your request, do not curse your enemies or mention the perceived people responsible for your problems either from your village or mother side or in-laws’ side. God is not interested, rather you are provoking God. Remember Jesus told the blind man that his “faith has healed him” (18 v.42 NLT), so we must have faith that God will answer our prayers.

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